GO2 Manuals


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GO2 Apps

GO2 Apps Binding

To set up the app, you can either download it from the provided links or search for it directly by the name “Unitree Go” on the App Store or Play Store.

Once you have downloaded the app, please follow these steps:

  • Download and open the Unitree Go App. Register an account using your email address on the login page of the home screen and log in.

  • Click on the home page to add a robot.

  • Then, turn on the power of Go2 and simultaneously enable the Bluetooth on your mobile phone. Select the device you want to add for binding.

  • Customize the robot’s information as per your preferences.

  • Go2 needs to establish a connection with the app. After binding the robot, you will have two connection modes: AP router and Wi-Fi. Choose the one that suits your needs.

  • If you select AP Mode, follow the prompts to set the hotspot name (GO2-XXXXXX) and an 8-digit password. Open the wireless LAN settings on your mobile phone,select the Wi-Fi name you just configured, and enter the password to complete the connection. Once the connection is established, return to the Unitree Go App and click “I’m done” to confirm a successful connection between Go2 and the app.

_images/Go2_Binding_6.jpg _images/Go2_Binding_7.jpg
  • If you choose Wi-Fi connection mode, select this mode to establish a connection. Pick an existing Wi-Fi network and enter the password. Wait for the connection to be established. After the Wi-Fi connection is completed, return to the Unitree Go App’s home page, confirming that Go2 and the app are successfully connected.

_images/Go2_Binding_8.jpg _images/Go2_Binding_9.jpg

You can access the App Binding video by following the provided link below.

Additionally, the following video demonstrates how to adjust the robot’s perspective view within the app after completing the setup.

GO2 Multiple Binding

To bind more then one Go2 with your app (considering you already have a Go2 binded with the app)please follow the below mentioned steps:

  • On the main screen please select the name of your robot mentioned on the top-left corner of the app.

  • select the plus sign besides the already binded robot.

  • Now follow the same steps as mentioned in the above section to setup your additional Go2

GO2 Remote Control Binding

To pair a remote control with the Go2, follow these steps:

  • While the robot is powered on and connected to your mobile device, go to EMPLACE -> data -> Remote Control from the app’s home screen.

  • Choose change to modify the ID of the currently paired remote to match the new one you have.

  • Enter the 6-digit ID found on the white sticker on the right front side of the remote, then confirm to bind the remote controller.


For a visual guide on Remote Control Binding, access the video through the provided link below.

GO2 Basic Operations

Gifs demonstration on starting-up the robot and performing various actions is given below. It also includes instructions on the activation of companion mode.

Good to know commands:

  • Walking: START (Press double times)

  • Running: L2+START

  • Standing: SELECT

  • Undamped state: L2+B

  • Prone position: L2+A (Press double times to go onto standing position)


In standing position:

  • Rollover: L2+Y

  • Stand up from fall: L2+X

  • Stretch: R2+A

  • Shake Hands: R2+B

  • Cheer: R2+Y

  • Frond legs Punch: R1+X

  • Jump Forward: R1+A

  • Sit Down: R1+B

  • Bow with Hands: L1+A (Press START to cancel)

  • Dance: L1+B (Press START to cancel)


In advanced mode (Triggered by pressing START two times rapidly):

  • searchlight Switch: L2+SELECT

  • Obstacle avoidance ON: X (On)

  • Obstacle avoidance OFF: Y (Long Press for 3s)

  • Stair climbing mode 1: Right Arrow Key+START (Go upstairs forward and downstairs backward)

  • Stair climbing mode 2: Left Arrow Key+START (Go downstairs forward)

  • Endurance Mode: L1+SELECT

You can access the Basic Operation video by following the provided link below.


Some features are bound to the version of the GO2.

Once connected to the WiFi of the GO2. You can access the GO2 website by entering the following in the web addess bar The GO2’s Firmware version, motor temperature, vision, and control can all be accessed in here.

GO2 Accompany Mode

To activate the accompanying mode for the robot, you’ll need the small remote controller that’s included with it.

  • Quickly press the “M” button twice on the remote to enter accompanying mode while the robot is turned on. The front headlamp will turn purple, indicating the robot is in accompanying mode. In this mode, the robot will maintain a specific distance and angle from the remote transmitter as it moves.

  • To enable obstacle avoidance in accompanying mode, double-click the “L2” button on the remote.

  • Press the “M” button once to exit accompanying mode.

For a visual guide on Accompany Mode, access the video through the provided link below.

GO2 Voice command/ 4G Function

Navigate to FUNCTIONS -> BenBen Dog from the app home screen while the robot is turned on and connected to your mobile device. You’ll find the option to select either Automatic or LongPress. This choice determines whether the robot responds to voice commands instantly as you speak, or if you prefer to activate voice commands by pressing the talk button. This voice command feature allows complete control over the robot, from executing tricks, navigating specific distances and angles, to playing your preferred music.

For a visual guide on Voice commad Mode, access the video through the provided link below.


To enable this Funtion, the robot requires an internet connection through Wi-Fi.

GO2 Programming Mode

Navigate to FUNCTIONS -> Programming from the app home screen while the robot is turned on and connected to your mobile device.


It will show you a UI with different commands blocks that you can mix and match for make your robot do certan stuff on the go. You can also visualize the simulation of your code in a small visual box on the right of the sceen.


For a visual guide on Programming Mode, access the video through the provided link below.

GO2 IMU Calibration

To calibrate the built-in IMU on the Go2, please follow these steps:

  • Navigate to EMPLACE -> data -> robodog from the app home screen while the robot is turned on and connected to your mobile device. Scroll down to the bottom and select the imu option.

  • The interface will prompt you to place the robot on an even and level surface, ensuring all four support pads are touching the ground.

  • Then, press the calibration start button. During calibration, the front headlamp will turn blue and start flashing. Once it turns green, the calibration is complete.

  • Restart the robot to save the calibration data.

For a visual guide on IMU Calibration, access the video through the provided link below.

GO2 Leg Calibration

To calibrate the legs on the Go2, please follow these steps:

  • Navigate to EMPLACE -> data -> robodog from the app home screen while the robot is turned on and connected to your mobile device. Scroll down to the bottom and select the legs option.

  • A popup will show up, select continue which will in return show you steps to take to calibrate the robot.

  • The interface will prompt you to place the robot on an even and level surface, ensuring all four support pads are touching the ground and select calibration option.

  • Align the body motor of the robot in a centered triangular shape as depicted in the images below. Then, press calibrate once more.

  • With the robot legs now in an upright position, utilize the calibration ruler to ensure the angle between the thigh and shin forms a right angle.

  • Press calibrate again and choose save to store the calibration data. Finally, restart the robot to confirm the calibration.


For a visual guide on leg Calibration, access the video through the provided link below.

GO2 Unbinding

To Unbind the robot please follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Login to your go2 app and from the main screen select option Device

  • Select Robot Dog Settings option

  • Scroll dow to the end of the page and select option unbind the robot dog


GO2 App Logout

To Logout of the unitree Go2 app please follow the below mentioned steps:

  • On the main screen select option Me

  • Select Account and Security option

  • Scroll dow to the end of the page and select option logout


GO2 Lidar Assembly & Disassembly


To assemble or diassemble the robot LIDAR manually please follow the video link provided below:

GO2 External Power-Supply


The procedure described below is only for development purposes. It turns on the robot without a battery inside from the external power supply. The power supply should atleast be able to provide 30V/10A.

  1. Remove the battery from the GO2.

  2. Ensure the GO2 is placed on the ground with all four paws as well as knee joints touching the ground.

    • It is advised to place robot on some carpet or similar compressible surface to prevent damage to the joints.

  3. Connect the cable to the connection ports on the GO2’s back.

    • The GO2 requires 30V with around 10A of current. At startup it may take up to 20A of current.

    • Be vigiliant and make sure the XT30 male pins are in the correct orientation when plugging in.